Our brand guidelines

We encourage you to freely use these assets within your work, without changing them and subject to referencing Medivault as the source. Whether you're a partner, collaborator, or simply a supporter, we appreciate your commitment to maintaining the integrity of our brand. By working together, we can ensure that Medivault's message of empowerment and innovation resonates consistently across all channels.
Two men working away at their computer.
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Our logo

Click on a logo image to automatically download the file.

Medivault logo (stacked)
SVG file
This version of our logo can be used in substitution of the landscape logo to suit your design.
Medivault logo (stacked)
PNG file
This version of our logo can be used in substitution of the landscape logo to suit your design.
Medivault logo
SVG file
This is the main version of the Medivault logo and should be used as the first choice wherever possible.
Medivault logo
PNG file
This is the main version of the Medivault logo and should be used as the first choice wherever possible.
Spinning wheel
GIF file
A novel spinning icon from the Medivault logo. You are free to use this version as is but not permitted to change the scale.
Medivault logo no wheel
SVG file
This version of our logo does not contain the wheel icon and can be used freely as your design requires.

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Our brand colours

We have three brand colours that you are free to use when referencing Medivault

Primary blue
White smoke

We can contribute to your article or report

Visit our press page if you would like to ask us questions.
visit press page
Image of a trendy woman
image of a man with an apron
A man writing on a whiteboard with headphones around his shoulders
Image of a headshot of a young man
Image of a young man facing a wall