Transforming insurance claims processing with secure data management

In the modern era of healthcare insurance, companies face the challenge of streamlining claims processing while ensuring accuracy and reducing costs.
It's time for change

Medivault empowers insurance companies to transform their claims processing by revolutionising how they manage healthcare data.

We eliminate the need for lengthy document requests and manual data entry. Authorised consent provides secure and instant access to patient medical records, significantly reducing processing times and administrative burdens.
Filter, export, and drilldown on the data quickly
Real-time alerts can be set up case-by-case
AI and machine learning detect fraudulent claims
Image of a mobile phone with Medivault document page open, showing a blood test result. A teblet with a hand MRI is behind it, and on a laptop, the main document view.

Improved accuracy

Leveraging a centralised and secure platform for accessing medical records eliminates errors and inconsistencies in claims data, resulting in fewer claim denials due to missing or inaccurate information.

AI data insights

Leverage Medivault's AI-powered tools to extract relevant information from medical records, further streamlining the claims processing workflow and minimising manual work for claims administrators.

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A screenshot of the medivault document category list

Reduce overheads

Medivault's digital platform minimises the need for manual data entry, document retrieval, and physical record storage, resulting in significant long-term cost savings.

Fraud detection

Medivault's data analytics capabilities can help identify potential fraudulent claims by analysing patterns and inconsistencies in healthcare data. This lets you focus resources on legitimate claims and combat fraudulent activities more effectively.

“Medivault is a fantastic tool and makes the day-to-day work of organising patient data easier. It is hugely empowering for our members, and removes friction in information sharing between patients and clinicians. We're excited to be a part of this initiative.”

Dr Akbar de Medici
Chief Medical Officer, Cavendish Health

Faster claim resolution

Faster access to accurate data and streamlined workflows lead to quicker claim processing and payouts, improving customer satisfaction and reducing the risk of disputes.

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Enhanced risk assessment and underwriting

Data-driven insights

Use aggregated and anonymised patient data to gain valuable insights into risk assessment and underwriting decisions. This allows for more accurate risk stratification, potentially leading to competitive pricing strategies.

Improved communication

Medivault facilitates secure information exchange with policyholders using the messaging apps they prefer, such as WhatsApp, SMS, and email, promoting transparency and trust in the insurance process.


Medivault ensures compliance with HIPAA and GDPR as well as other relevant data privacy regulations, giving you peace of mind and protecting sensitive patient information.

Get ahead of the competition with Medivault

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Managing my health records used to be a nightmare. Scattered documents, and endless calls for access were frustrating. Since my insurance company started using Medivault, everything has changed. Now, all my medical records are in the app, easily accessible and ready to share from my phone.
image of a man with an apron
Rudra Ghosh